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The Writer's Center


4508 Walsh St
Bethesda, MD 20814

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The Writer's Center is a non-profit community of writers supporting each other in the creation and marketing of literary texts. The Writer's Center annually conducts hundreds of workshops in various genres of writing. Workshop participants share with one another their work-in-progress under the guidance of an experienced instructor who is also a published author.

The Writer's Center also hosts literary events, readings and conferences; sells books and literary magazines; and offers a congenial, supportive environment for writing groups to meet. It is a voluntary, membership organization open to all skill levels.

The Writer's Center is housed in a 12,200 square foot facility in the arts and entertainment district of Bethesda, Maryland, with workshops also offered in Leesburg and Arlington, Virginia, and at other locations around the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.

The Writer's Center is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation, funded by member dues, workshop fees and other earned income, as well as grants from various private foundations and donations from The National Endowment for the Arts, the Maryland Council for the Arts, and the Montgomery County Arts Council.

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